Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tik Tak Tik Tak

Leave your footsteps in the "sands of time". But never "snows" of time. Why ?

Because sand doesn't melt ?

Because sand is more hospitable to life ?

But isn't snow allways cleaner than sand ?

Well, I left mine.


Blogger M (tread softly upon) said...

May be because time flows like sand (you know the hour glass thingy)and hence the analogy. And yes snow melts and leaves behind a lot of slush. But leaving a footprint....that's all that actually matters. Doesn't matter where.

7:35 AM  
Blogger thorswheels said...

Late on the scene, but have to say that the "Housewives are expensive" post merits a Nobel!

3:58 PM  
Blogger Bengali Guy said...

@m - great explanation. thats what I was looking for.

@hiren - you made me think that perhaps I should have taken a different shot - perhaps a long shot of a series of my footsteps up that hill. Interesting that you mention vipasanna. I've been wanting to enroll in Goenka's class for years now.

@a_fool_on_the_hill - I'm noticing some remarkable differences among my friends as we progrss along our career. Friends with a working mate are much more likely to take career risks like starting a company or going back to school. Both education and risk taken are directly proportional to rewards achieved. I am sure we will soon see the vast difference of wealth among the two types in my generation.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Prerona said...

Hey! Thanks for dropping by :)

11:24 PM  
Blogger Inkblot said...

What if its cold enough and the snow turns to ice with your footprint preserved for posterity in a place where the cold never lets up? Sands keep shifting you know. Clever!

11:42 AM  

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